digitization of society

Welcome to the blog of darwin ecosystem (www.darwin-ecosystem.com). Here we are «darwing», we mean, helping organizations to find the best ways to evolve their digital business foundations. To find their criativity, their potencial. To follow their organizational natural drift. We believe that societies are evolving to operate in a more digital way. We call this process the «digitization of society process». This blog is about this process. Is a bilingual blog: PT and UK.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Visions of future [of technological mediation]

Ray Kurzweil is an engineer who has radically advanced the fields of speech, text, and audio technology. He's also one of our finest thinkers, revered for his dizzying -- yet convincing -- writing on the advance of technology, the limits of biology, and the future of the human species.
