digitization of society

Welcome to the blog of darwin ecosystem (www.darwin-ecosystem.com). Here we are «darwing», we mean, helping organizations to find the best ways to evolve their digital business foundations. To find their criativity, their potencial. To follow their organizational natural drift. We believe that societies are evolving to operate in a more digital way. We call this process the «digitization of society process». This blog is about this process. Is a bilingual blog: PT and UK.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

open enterprise manifesto by BetterMeans


The Open Enterprise is a new organizational design. Unlike organizations using traditional management structures, Open Enterprises replace the command and control hierarchy with a meritocracy based on collaboration and open participation.

Organizations that adopt this new organizational structure can make decisions faster and respond quicker to their markets. They look more like living dynamic networks, and less like pyramids. People working in these organizations will have (and feel) more ownership. They’re more engaged in their work, and have the freedom to work on what they want, when they want to. Most importantly this model enables people to once again bring their full humanity – values, beliefs and passions – to the workplace, removing disconnect between organizational and personal values.

This new organizational designs addresses two central issues:

First: The disengagement of employees from their work. 85% of people are disengaged from their work, 2 of the top reasons given are management and misalignment of values. Our organizations are failing to engage us, and provide a place where our purpose comes alive. The Internet provides us with tools to connect and work together, but the management system we’re using cannot keep up; it’s over 100 years old and is designed after old military thinking.

Second: The lack of proper support and resources for entrepreneurs to succeed in their endeavors: 70% of Americans have a startup idea but only 4% follow through with their dreams.

We need a new management technology

Leading business thinkers such as Gary Hamel and Margaret Wheately see the change in organizational design coming, and are advising companies today to embrace more self-organizing structures.

The Open Enterprise model builds on their theories and research, and provides a new way for people to work together that governs all major aspects of managing a business, including capital allocation, strategic decision-making, compensation, and human resource management.

The various aspects of the Open Enterprise Model have been used successfully by other organizations including Visa, Goretex, Apache Software, Wikipedia, Linux, Spain’s Mondragón Corporación Cooperitva and many others. While such companies have pioneered these concepts with excellent results, BetterMeans is revolutionary in bringing these various techniques together in a single, cohesive model and building the tools to make it widely available and adoptable by both new entrepreneurs and existing organizations.

For a complete read BetterMeans